Monday, August 07, 2006

Happy Anniversary Pop Quiz

Last night, Hubby and I celebrated 18 glorious years of marital bliss. Yay us!

By coincidence, last night we also had to drop Son #3 off at my mother in law's apartment in The City for a week of camp. So, we splurged on a fantabulous dinner at one of the best steakhouses imaginable. It was awesome.

It was also amusing, that the Sons' grandmother demanded a handwriting sample from each boy upon arrival, and also hauled out a couple of rocks she picked up in Hawaii for a "do you know what kind of rock this is?" quiz (yes, of course, they know all about volcanic rock).

It's a shame she can't appreciate the fact that YES, they are learning, and that penmanship, though worthwhile, is not the only thing to ask of a child. Also a shame that she missed Son #4's comments, upon driving past the Museum of the American Indian: "That's a strange building, but not as weird as Frank Gehry's architecture."

I hope Son #3 makes it out of Grandma's apartment alive, that's all. Spy Camp better be worth it!

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