Monday, March 23, 2009

Solomons Island Tea Party

We attended--Hubby says there were about 500 people there, and that sounds about right. A huge gathering, by Happy Boondocks standards.

Son #4 was amused when some guy drove by, rolled down his window, and shouted, "Obama's gonna save the world!"

I took pictures, naturally, so swing on by if you'd like to see them.

There are lots more tea party protests going on all across the country, not that you'd know that from watching the news, so check out other people's photos on Flickr, too!


Anonymous said...

I drove down for this event from Germantown, Maryland (Deep behind the lines of the hard left factions in our state) I would proud to be amoung so many like thinking folks. I plan to attend the event in Annapolis on the 15th of next month as well. I honestly fear for our Republic. May God bless These United States of America.

Anonymous said...

The shirt the DH has on...scary, but true...

Christine said...

Anonymous---well, I'm glad you made the trip. If you see me in Annapolis, flag me down!

My brother-in-law said, yesterday, that the original Boston Tea Party was a bad thing because it sparked the Revolutionary War, "a bad war with deaths on both sides". He went on to say that conservatives are spreading hate and misinformation in our comments that Obama leans socialist.

As we say in Chez Waste of Time, "And hot snow falls up!"