Saturday, November 01, 2008

You know what I blame this on the breakdown of?

Last night we had one trick-or-treater. One.

We also had someone come by to steal our pumpkin.

Yeah, the pumpkin that I did not have to carve, this year, so I was going to cook it. So I was going to get a holiday decoration AND food out of it. It is probably smashed on the highway right now.

You know what I blame this on the breakdown of?



Anonymous said...

Agreed! I went out with my kids trick or treating but we were back by 7.30 and we didn't get 1 knock! We were so disappointed! I think the few bad apples ruin it by making people afraid to answer their doors, so kids no longer bother.

p.s. I love your blog!

Kristaltipps x

Andrea said...

On the bright have tons of candy left over!

ALF said...

Damn kids. What is wrong with them?

Also, so sad about the one trick or treater. We only had 5 or 6.