Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Outsourcing: it's not just for the big corporations

Last night, Son #1 asked for algebra help AFTER 9 PM. I was especially tired and brain-fogged, so we ended up just bagging it. He'll have to ask his teacher for help.

I would love for him to work within my stated parameters: I will help him as much as I can, during the hours I offer him, but not late at night when his adolescent brain thinks it's time to get up and go. He's not really getting that, at all. He thinks I am able to just jump up and do algebra, even when he sees me propping my head up on my hands in a desperate attempt to stay awake until his brothers go to bed. He will understand, I suppose, when he has children of his own.

This morning, a friend suggested the perfect solution: India!

Not only are their call centers open during my sleep hours, they have higher math and English scores than most Americans. I think I will have to research this.

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