Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Hubby: An icon of sympathy

In the middle of my sniffly morning, I look over at Hubby and all I can think to say is, "I'm turning 40, sweetie."

He's 43. He's been there. And when he turned 40, I did what I could to let him know that 40 was no big deal, that he was as hot as ever, that he had a lot of adventure ahead of him, that he was just hitting his stride, really, with enough experience and wisdom to pull it all off.

I figured I'd get some of that back. Here's a quote:

"Not 'til October, Christine. Don't come cryin' to me! Forty? I KNOW."


Anonymous said...

Such a guy way to respond.

Oh wait, he is a guy. :)

ALF said...

ahhh, husbands...

Jill said...

:-0 :-0 :-0 It's okay. You can pay him back at 50. :-)